There’s a lot of planning involved in creating the perfect wedding, but don’t let something like bad breath slip through the net and spoil the most important day of your life.
Nerves can cause dry mouth which provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria – bacteria builds up on the tongue and can result in an unpleasant odour. Not ideal for your first kiss as a married couple. Saliva is your body’s own natural barrier against hostile germs and bacteria, and when your mouth is drier you have less saliva to control germs.
Saliva keeps your mouth healthy and fresh because it contains a substantial dose of oxygen. Many bacteria are anaerobic which means they thrive and make more odour where there is less oxygen. A healthy, moist mouth, full of oxygen creates an unappealing environment for germs.

Wedding day nerves, a few celebratory glasses of champagne and endless talking to guests will all contribute to an even drier mouth. However, there is a simple solution to ensure your breath stays as fresh as a daisy, throughout your big day.
Dr Harold Katz, founder of The California Breath Clinics, dentist and internationally acclaimed ‘Bad Breath Guru’, has developed a range of products to help combat such problems. Based on his own discovery that bad breath does not always originate in the gut, The Breath Company’s oral health care system is already the no.1 selling specialist breath care formula in the U.S.

Unlike any other high street brand, each of the products in The Breath Company range targets the bacteria living and multiplying on the tongue’s surface that causes halitosis rather than masking the odour with powerful flavours; literally eliminating the problem. Clinical test of Dr.Katz’s patients treated with The Breath Company products repeatedly resulted in a complete elimination of over 98 per cent of the volatile sulphur compounds that cause bad breath.

Start your big day with the Fresh Breath Fluoride Toothpaste in Mild Mint (£8.99) which helps prevent cavities and gum disease, freshens breath and improves dry mouth. It is also highly effective for mouth ulcer sufferers as it no detergents, foaming agents, strong flavouring agents, saccharin or abrasives that can cause or worsen the discomfort associated with mouth ulcers.
Then rinse with The Breath Company Oral Rinse (£13.99) which is available in Icy

Mint or Mild Mint, it works fast to stop bad breath. Recommended by dentists, the oral rinse effectively stops the bacteria that cause bad breath without using any harsh chemical ingredients, and because it doesn’t contain any alcohol, it
doesn’t burn or sting after use.
For a quick oral freshen up during the day, try The Breath Company Mouth Wetting

Dry Mouth Lozenges (£8.99). These unique sugar free lozenges restore fresh breath instantly. Perfect for a quick breath pick me up before puckering up.
All The Breath Company products are suitable for dry mouth sufferers, diabetics, expectant mothers, and those who are particularly likely to suffer from oral care issues.
When you’re kissing somebody, it’s the closest your nose gets to the other person’s mouth. Make sure you don’t offend your bride or groom to be!
The full The Breath Company range is available from Boots stores nationwide and online.
Stay kissable for your wedding day with Dr Katz:
- Candy Hearts and Milk Chocolate: Candy hearts are usually full of sugar, the surest way to grow bad breath bacteria in the laboratory and in your mouth. Milk chocolate contains a combination of dairy proteins and sugar that also fuels the bad breath bacteria. Dark chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate is a better choice.
- Onions, Garlic, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts: All have a high concentration of sulfur compounds similar to the chemicals produced by the bad breath bacteria.
- All Alcoholic Beverages: champagne, wine, beer, hard liquor, liqueurs:
Alcohol is a drying agent and a dry mouth guarantees bad breath and very disgusting kisses. Yuck! If you’re going to drink on your wedding day, make sure you have a glass of water between each glass of alcohol. Not only will it keep your breath fresher, but it will also help prevent hangovers typically caused by the dehydrating effect of alcohol.
• Drink plenty of water, 6 – 8 glasses per day. A wetter mouth means fresher breath.
• Drink tea, especially green tea, instead of coffee.
• Avoid adding sugar to foods and beverages because sugar feeds the bad breath bacteria.
• Choose dark chocolate over light chocolate because dark chocolate has less sugar and no dairy products. This is important information for people who are lactose intolerant.
• Choose fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. Fruits include apples, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries. Vegetables include celery, carrots, cucumber. Munch on them throughout the day and night, if possible.
Did you know? The facts about kissing.
From Dr. Harold Katz, internationally recognized bad breath expert.
1. In his bestselling book, “The Art of Kissing”, image consultant William Cane explains that the science of kissing, called philematology, is much more than just locking lips. In fact, his blog explores over 30 types of kisses and offers kissing lessons with a surrogate.
2. According to the Guinness World Records News, a man and woman in London, England locked lips for 31 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds – making it the longest kiss ever recorded.
3. A French kiss involves all 34 muscles in the face, whereas a quick pucker involves only two. The term, French kiss, came into the English language around 1923 as a slur on French culture, perceived as being overly concerned with sex. In France, a French kiss is called a soul kiss because, if done right, it feels as if two souls are merging. In fact, several ancient cultures believed that mouth-to-mouth kissing mingled two lovers’ souls.
4. Passionate French kissing can burn up to five calories in a few seconds or about 150 calories (calculation compiled by Dr Harold Katz) in a minute. Kiss for 10 minutes... and skip the gym!
5. According to sexologist Dr. Ava Cadell, passionate French kisses do a wonderful job of getting you in the mood. They elevate your blood pressure, make your heart beat faster and send blood all throughout your body. All this activity makes it easier for you to get excited.
6. Kissing is good for your teeth. The anticipation of a kiss increases the flow of saliva to your mouth and gives your teeth a plaque-dispersing bath.
7. Pliny the Elder, a Roman military commander and author, claimed that kissing a donkey’s nostril would cure the common cold. We’ll stick to chicken soup!
8. In “Kissing Christians”, professor Michael Philip Penn explains that kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony can be traced to an ancient Roman tradition where a kiss was used to sign a contract.
9. The mouth is full of bacteria... and when two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million and 1 billion bacteria. Yikes! Remember to brush, rinse and floss!
10. In “The Science of Kissing”, science journalist Sheril Kirshenbaum claims that kissing can determine the fate of your relationship. Couples who are good at lovemaking – and enjoy it – tend to have longer lasting, healthier relationships.
11. So far, the movie with the most kisses, namely 127, is Don Juan (1926). Andy Warhol’s Kiss (1963) contains the longest kiss ever filmed. Splendor in the Grass (1963) with Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty made history with Hollywood’s first on-screen French kiss.
12. Kissing makes you feel happy, positive and less stressed because it releases endorphins and oxytocin. According to relationship therapist Dr. Krista A. Bloom, our lips are super- sensitive and have approximately 10,000 nerve endings – and that’s why we love kissing so much .
13. Kissing is healthy and can even make you live longer. A variety of studies have shown that couples who kiss regularly tend to live longer. Even a quick good-bye kiss before leaving home can have huge benefits.
14. According to a University of Albany study, open-mouth kissing transfers testosterone. Men move toward open-mouth kissing faster than women do because men want to share their testosterone and thereby increase their partner’s libido as quickly as possible.
15. Humans aren't the only creatures who kiss. Cows, puffins, squirrels and even snails indulge in the act, but chimpanzees are the only animals whose kisses resemble ours.
16. The “X’s” that many people write at the bottom of a letter represent the contact of the lips during a kiss. Keep writing!
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