It’s the all new trend in pre-wedding partying. Brides- and Grooms-to-be are turning away from traditional Hen or Stag dos in favour of hosting a joint celebration: The Sten.
Search Insta for “#stenparty” and you’ll see hundreds of celebratory shenanigans. In fact, they’re so popular, group travel specialist and bespoke Sten planners Red7 has reported a 200% increase in requests for this type of event in the last two years.
So, if you and your beau want to join the newest trend in pre-wedding celebrations, how do you go about creating the perfect Sten?
Don’t panic if you’re worried about getting it right.
Read on to get fully clued up on the best ways to pull off an unforgettable ‘Sten’
Top Tips for a Perfect Sten![Tips from the Experts: How to create an unforgettable ‘sten’](/sites/vowsandvenues-clone.dd/files/sten.jpg)
“Stens are all about the experience rather than a short celebration,” says Sarah Chapman, Head of Hen, Stag & Sten at Red7, “but hosts can sometimes feel under pressure to find ways to make sure everyone has a great time. Rest assured that the tips and activities below should appeal to the whole party.”
1) Base the Sten around you and your partner’s desires. Let’s face it: it’s your (joint) party and we don’t want you to cry. Although it might be tempting to get opinions from all attendees, it can become difficult with double the number of guests as a regular Hen or Stag do.
Weekends away in extraordinary accommodation, such as a massive country house in The Highlands, a villa on an Ibiza hilltop or glass lodge with spectacular views will be universally popular due to their novelty and elegance, so don’t shy away from these as an idea.
2) Larger groups can be more chaotic, so planning expert-led group activities such as chocolate making experiences or cocktail-making or even a dance class into the schedule are a great way to ensure everyone enjoys themselves at the same pace and under the same instruction. It keeps the party fair and balanced and ensures Team Bride isn’t overwhelmed by Team Groom (or vice versa). Plus, who doesn’t love chocolate, a good cocktail or frankly, Beyoncé?
3) Go all out and theme your Sten! Whether it’s an old Skool ‘Team Bride Vs Team Groom’ theme, an ‘Only Way is Marbs’, ‘Glitter-Festival Chic’ or even a ‘Noughties Ibiza Club Weekend’, an imaginative theme which is reflected in your Sten’s location, accommodation, activities, food and drink (and even the odd fun prop) helps bond the group and will help turn the event into a fabulous party you’ll remember for years.
4) Choose a GREAT destination. Maybe you want to book your party in a place where you and your wife/husband to-be have been before and loved. Or perhaps you want to organise the ‘Sten’ in city or destination you’ve never visited before. Top tips for destinations for 2018/2019 include Obonjan Island in Croatia and Lisbon, as well as classic party resorts of Marbella and Ibiza. In the UK, you can’t beat London, Brighton, Manchester or Liverpool. Or, if you’re celebrating during ski season, how about a long weekend in Alps or at the Arctic Circle? These days, the average Hen, Stag and ‘Sten’ party goes away for two-four nights – sometimes longer! Well, why not?
5) Don’t feel under pressure to do everything together. With a larger, mixed group you might well want to split up for certain activities or at certain points during the weekend - and that’s perfectly OK.
Some in the group might love an afternoon of pampering at a top spa or a Beyoncé dance class (and it might not just be the girls!) whilst others might prefer an artisan gin tasting experience, white water rafting, or a round of golf.
Stay flexible and open-minded about the schedule and you’ll all be super relaxed by the time you meet up in the evening for cocktails, a great dinner and a VIP club experience.
For more information, please visit
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